

Advanced Tajweed Course Overview

This course is tailored for students who have completed the Quran Reading course and can read the Quran but seek to refine their tajweed skills. It focuses on enhancing students’ confidence in applying tajweed rules through extensive practice. Repetition and consistent practice are key principles for achieving fluent Quranic reading. The course covers all basic tajweed rules along with ample reading practice.


  • Designed for students with basic Quran reading skills
  • Focus on confidence-building through practice
  • Comprehensive coverage of basic tajweed rules
  • Emphasis on repetition and consistent practice
  • Guided by experienced instructors

Advanced Tajweed Course Overview

Tajweed Course Structure


  • Recitation Style: Hafs an Asim
  • Class Type: One-to-One
  • Class Duration: 30 minutes
  • Age Level: Minimum 8 years
  • Prerequisite: Fluent Quran reading
  • Course Period: Based on student’s ability
  • Gender: Male/Female
  • Languages: Urdu/English

Tajweed Course Outline


  • Makhaarij: Points of articulation
  • Waqf: Rules of stopping
  • Vowels: Proper pronunciation
  • Qalqalah: Echoing sounds
  • Sun and Moon Letters: Differentiation rules
  • Izhar-e-Halaqi, Ikhfa, Idgham-e-Yarmaloon, Iqlab: Specific tajweed rules
  • Izhar-e-shafawi, Ikhfa-e-shafawi, Idgham-e-shafawi: Additional tajweed rules
  • Reading Practice: Surah Al-Fatiha and Para 30
  • Exercises: Applying tajweed rules

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